The hidden unconscious resistance holding you back from your true greatness…

Your Ancestral Coding + Wounding

When I first started on my personal healing journey and my journey to becoming a healer for others, I was intuitively drawn to delving deep into the unconscious realms of my reality.

I was being shown how the lives of my Ancestors, and the traumas and pains they carried, we’re impacting my daily life.

I came across wounds around being seen, heard, scarcity and lack, the fear of opening up to receive from life and loved ones and most importantly a deep fear of being a wise, intuitive woman.

The power and activation I received as soon as I cleared through the wounds catapulted me into being able to show up in my life in all the ways I’d never been able to before. All the hidden blocks and patterns creating self sabotage, GONE.

This work is my Divine purpose. It’s what I live for.

The vision I hold for our future is one where we have released the chains of our Ancestral trauma and healed not only ourselves but the generations that came before us as well as those that are coming after us, creating a world of Sovereign beings, standing in their truth and creating a world filled with peace, love & joy.

This 2 hour pre-recorded workshop has been designed to allow you delve deeper into understanding how your ancestral wounding can be affecting your every day life as well as gently and safely guiding you through a deep healing to help connect with your Ancestors, release generational wounding, clear resistance in your life and create new energy pathways so you can start truly living the life you came here to live!

 Here are some of the benefits you’ll see from healing your Ancestral Wounds:

Less anxiety

Regulated nervous system

More self-confidence

Deeper self-trust

Stronger, more trusting connection to intuition

Stronger connection to self

Ability to set better boundaries

More vitality, peace & joy

Less comparison with others

Ability to receive more abundance from life including money and love

Being authentically and unashamedly you